What is a Temporary Quad Room?
Temporary Quad Rooms are overflow housing rooms assigned to students during the fall semester, while we work to locate a long-term housing assignment for them. A Temporary Quad Room is a large room — originally a student lounge — that has been repurposed to house four students, with two bunk beds, desk space, chairs, hanging storage racks, and typically dressers or other storage furniture. Temporary Quad Rooms are located in our Unit 1, 2, and 3 high-rise buildings. They are larger than our traditional quad rooms, and cost the same as our quad rooms in a suite.
What is the process to move to a long-term housing assignment and how long does it take?
Cal Housing will reach out to students in temporary spaces asking for their preferred room types and room locations, and will prioritize moving them to long term housing as soon as vacancies become available. This process typically begins in early August and extends through the beginning of the Spring semester. Typically a list of all available long-term rooms is provided to students via email every two weeks, and students are asked to get back to our office notifying us if they are interested in one or several of the options available. Students are encouraged to provide broad preferences, to regularly check their email address, and to respond quickly to these options to maximize the chance that we can relocate them quickly.
What does lounge consolidation mean and look like?
Once a temporary lounge is almost completely vacant, we may ask a student to relocate to another temporary space so that we can convert the original space back into a lounge for the floor. We will communicate this with ample time for students to pack and move their belongings, and will try to provide long-term housing options along with the option to consolidate, so that students have a couple choices to select from.
Can students remain in temporary housing all year long?
No, we must clear out these spaces to return them to their original purpose, to serve as a study and social space for the residents of that community.