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Housing Task Force

The rising cost of housing in the Bay Area, and Berkeley in particular, is creating serious financial challenges for undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers, while pushing them further and further away from the campus in the search for available and affordable housing.

The well-being of our students and postdocs is of paramount importance to the University, as is your ability to fully participate in the life of the campus community. For this reason, then-Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Carol Christ, formed a Housing Task Force whose draft report is essential reading for those interested in understanding and addressing this problem.

Because we are committed to developing solutions in a manner that takes into account your needs and interests, the campus has created a survey in order to better understand student and postdoc perspectives regarding housing choices. While this survey has now closed, you can see the findings.

2017 Student Housing Survey Findings

GET INVOLVED: Sign up to stay involved in the final results, and join lists to get involved in student advisory groups that are being planned.

CONTACT: If you have questions about the student housing survey or the housing project, please contact us.


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