Congratulations on your acceptance to Cal! Now is the time to apply for your summer housing! Freshman, Transfer, and Global Edge students will all reside together in a shared residential complex just one block from campus in our newest location, Blackwell Hall. Our residence halls provide many opportunities for you to create lifelong friendships, build leadership skills, work, play, and get academic support to keep you on the road to graduation and success. On top of all that, it’s safe, easy, and convenient to live on campus. Professional and student staff also live on-site and provide enriching programs and activities to facilitate a sense of community among all students.
Freshman, Transfer, and Global Edge students are eligible for priority housing if they apply before the priority housing deadline. In order to be considered for priority housing, students must complete the online summer housing application.
- How do I apply?add
Congratulations on your acceptance to Cal! To get started on your summer housing application, new students must enroll and create their Berkeley campus identification (CalNet ID) before they can access the housing application portal. For undergraduates, this process is handled through Cal Central.
It may take a few days for your CalNet ID to activate. After it does, you will be able to log into the Housing Application portal.
- Step-by-step process on submitting your Summer housing application:add
Step 1: Log into the portal.
Step 2: At the top click on Application. This will take you to the main Application page.
Step 3: Apply for the "Summer 2025" application. Hit Save & Continue
Step 4: Please review Phase 1 Instructions and indicate which session you are applying for. Edge participants will either be in Session C or Session D. Hit Save & Continue
Step 5: Please complete the housing needs page.
Step 5a: Be sure to indicate if you are attending the Freshman, Transfer, or Global Edge program. This step is very important as this will notify the housing team to place you with your fellow program participants in the right location.
Step 5b: Please indicate your preferred room type.
Step 5c: Please indicate any special needs. Housing staff make every effort to accommodate, but it helps to know as far in advance as possible about any special needs, so give this some thought.
Step 5d: Hit Save & Continue.
Step 6: Submit any roommate requests. Individual applicants may request specific roommate preference(s) by completing the "Manage Roommate" step of the Phase 1 portion of the online application. Roommate preferences must be mutual, students must be of the same gender, and must accept a contract for the same room type in order for the request to be considered by the Summer Sessions Housing Office. Hit Save & Continue.
Step 7: Your application has been fully submitted! Students cannot access phase 2 until an offer is sent. Once an offer is ready for review, you will be notified via email.
- What is my Summer Edge housing application deadline?add
In order to receive priority, please complete your application by the following dates:
The Freshman Edge Session C and Global Edge housing application deadline is Friday, May 16th 5pm
The Freshman Edge Session D housing application is due by Friday, May 30th 5pm
The Transfer Edge Session C housing application is due by Friday, June 6th 5pm
The Transfer Edge Session D housing application is due by Friday, June 13th 5pm
- How are Edge housing assignments determined?add
Summer Edge housing assignments are based on first come, first serve. Should we not have your preferred room type, we will provide the next housing available.
- When will I receive my housing offer?add
All edge students will receive their housing offer within 1 week of their housing priority deadline.
- What should I do after I receive my offer?add
After receiving your offer via email, log back into the portal to review your contract and Terms and Conditions.
Once you have reviewed your contract, complete the final steps of the application and accept your offer.
- Where are Edge students housed over the summer?add
Freshman, Transfer, and Global Edge participants will be residing in Blackwell Hall.
- Amenities & Servicesadd
Bridge rooms are double and/or triple occupancy, and include the following for each occupant:
- A single bed 80" x 36" with box spring
- Desk, chair, chest of drawers, and closet/wardrobe
- Mirror, wall light, and reading lamp
- Carpeted floors and a shared wastebasket
The general residence hall facilities include:
- On-site dining commons (Café 3)
- On-site computing center
- Laundry facilities
- Study lounges and game/TV room
- In-room wireless internet connections
- Daily custodial services in common areas
- Mail and package services
- 24-hour security programs
- Non-smoking rooms and buildings
- Residential Expectationsadd
Edge participants are expected to actively contribute to a healthy and safe residential community. Students are further expected to:
- Honor the UC Berkeley principles of community
- Create and maintain mutual roommate agreements
- What is the Summer Edge Housing Rate?add
Session C Rate: $4,950
Session D Rate: $3,825
- What should I bring?add
- Personal data and documents
- Student ID number
- CalNet log-in and passphrase
- Passport, driver's license, or state-issued identification card
- Social security number
- ATM and/or bank card
- Health insurance card
- Important medical documents (e.g. prescriptions, immunization history, etc.)
- University documents
- Any documents you have been asked to submit in person, e.g. proof of citizenship, disability documentation, etc.
For your room
- Clothes
- Bed sheets (extra-long twin)
- Towels, shower basket, shower shoes, toiletries
- Hangers, iron, laundry basket, detergent
- Alarm clock
- Personal decorations
Students may bring a computer for convenience, or use the on-site computing facility. Cars are not recommended given limited parking; however, all scholars receive a local bus pass.
Students may not bring mini-fridges, microwaves, cooking equipment, candles, halogen lamps, pets, weapons, or illegal drugs.
- Building Accessadd
The Cal 1 Card is used to access your building and meal plan.
To obtain your Cal 1 Card you need:
- Your 10-digit UC Berkeley Student Identification Number (SID)
- One of the following forms of identification: a current state ID, Driver's License or passport
Use your Cal 1 Card to:
- gain access into your residence halls
- swipe into the dining halls/use your meal points
Visit the Cal 1 Card Office if your card is damaged or demagnetized.
Location: 212 Sproul Hall, Berkeley CA.
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 4:30PM
Replacement fee: $25
- Technology Servicesadd
We know that access to computers during your stay is critical to academic success. All residents are eligible to use the Blackwell Academic Center, featuring multiple workstations supporting popular software (i.e., Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.). These computers are also installed with a link to the campus library catalogs, email, and the Internet.
In-Room Internet Connections
A Student Technology Services welcome folder will be distributed to all residents at check-in. It will include information about getting online through Student Technology Services' services and support.
All residents are eligible for free wireless Internet connection through Student Technology Services. Student Technology Services provides wireless coverage to registered computers in resident rooms, lounges, and common areas. You will receive a Student Technology Services welcome folder during move-in, which will detail how to get connected and how to contact support services. Student Technology Services supports wireless internet connections for computers running Windows XP/Vista and Macintosh OS 10.4 or higher. Windows 95/98/Me and Mac OS 10.3 and below are not allowed on the network as they do not meet campus minimum security standards.
Security and Other Requirements
To connect to the network, you will need your CalNet login and passphrase for authentication.
All computers connected to the campus network MUST meet campus minimum security standards which require:
Updated antivirus software
Automatic software patching (e.g. Windows Update)
A personal firewall
A strong administrator password
For detailed information about the requirements and how to meet them, please visit Student Technology Services' BeSecure page.
Technical Support
Technical support is available in the following ways:
Helpdesk phone line: 510.642.HELP (4357)
Helpdesk email:
In-person Residential Computing Consultant: Make an appointment through Student Technology Services to see an in-person consultant during office hours.
- Move-Outadd
Students are required to move out by 10PM Friday, August 15th
No late stays or extensions will be approved. Students will need to find alternative housing outside of the contract dates if their flight arrives after the move out date.
- No Smoking Policyadd
UC Berkeley is committed to providing a healthy, smoke-free environment for students, faculty, and staff. Accordingly, no smoking is permitted in student rooms or inside buildings, including lounges, balconies and breezeways, and stairways. Smoking is only permitted outside in designated areas.
- Cancellation Policyadd
To request a cancellation to your contract, you must request a Summer Cancellation Request online through the housing portal at Students can submit their request through the "Online Forms" section. Cancellations are NOT guaranteed and the resident will be liable for room and board fees until a replacement is found and/or the request is approved by the Summer Sessions Housing department. Please be sure to review the cancellation policy outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Residence.